Welcome to my Website!

Hello and welcome to my website! My name's Gaz and make yourself comfortable. The purpose for this website is to have a convenient central hub for all of my internet antics. Don't know how often things will be updated, but be sure to check back every once in a while if you're interested in my stuff! And I should also mention that this site isn't optimised for mobile devices, so things may or may not look a little funky there. If that's the case then use the Legacy Carrd.

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Legacy Carrd
March 3rd 2025

It's March! That means my birthday is this month! In fact it already passed because I was born on the 1st... Well I guess that's out of the way, but this is still one of my favorite months for that reason, but also because it's associated with green and guess what? My favorite color is green! Just perfect. Happy March!

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