Update History

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June 21st 2024 Summer is here! Although it always starts when June starts in my book... Well anyways I'm taking a break from developing this website for a bit because I simply want to focus on a few other stuff for now. But be sure to check me out in other parts of the web for my artwork, flipnotes, yadda yadda.
June 16th 2024 Pulling out my hair trying to figure out javascript is definitely not a good way to spend the weekend. But on the brightside I've made quite a lot of progress on a certain area of the website. Not sure when it'll be done, it could either be as early as today, or in a few days... eh we'll see.
June 12th 2024 Status update page has been made, so now they can be archived. That means I can make more of these! Also I've added "ads" in the side area. It changes on each page refresh and each have a unique link so that means different flavors of malware!
June 10th 2024 Once again I've entered a rabbit hole and now I'm building a website with barely any prior knowledge of HTML or anything like that. But honestly I'm kinda impressed with myself on how it's looking! On that note, I have no clue how much longer this is gonna take.